(Last Updated: May 4, 2023)
P-40 Temporary Flight Restriction
The Mid-Atlantic Soaring Center (W73) is located 8.5 miles northeast of the center of the Presidential Retreat known as Camp David. This is charted as Prohibited Area P-40 surface to 4,999’ MSL and Restricted Area R4009 from 5,000’ to 18,000’ MSL. This is normally a 3 nm radius. When the President is in residence at Camp David, the FAA, at the direction of the Secret Service, issues a 10 nm Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) around P-40 from the surface to 18,000’ MSL.
You should be aware that sometimes a TFR can also be issued for Hagerstown (HGR) airport and the affected airspace will include W73. This will effectively shut down our operations, since our waiver only applies to P-40 and not any other TFR.
You can check for TFRs on the FAA website here: FAA TFR Page. This page allows you to filter by state. From this page you can also access any NOTAMS that affect us.

Who Can Fly During a P-40 TFR
To fly from M-ASC (W73) when the TFR is in effect, each pilot and aircraft must be on the Secret Service Approved List. If you wish to fly when the TFR is in effect it is highly recommended you apply to be added to the list. Getting approved is a simple process, but the turnaround time can be unpredictable. Complete and submit the Waiver Request Form The list is updated as part of the annual renewal process in the late spring and again around Labor Day to pick up new pilots. There is no cost or obligation, and you can use this approval to fly anytime during the year.
If you are not on the approved list; there will be alternate procedures if there is a TFR. Although it is hard to predict, Presidential visits to Camp David are becoming more common but are normally known well in advance.
Here are some of the documents relevant to P-40 and operation during a TFR:
2024-2025 Mid-Atlantic Soaring Association P-40 Waiver
MASA_W73_Pilot and Equiptment Access_2024_2025
TFR Airspace and Checklist Pilot’s Brief
TFR Pilot Checklist
TFR Waiver Procedures
Know The P-40 TFR Boundaries
It is very important that you become familiar with the boundaries of P-40 during normal operations and the expanded boundaries during TFR operations.
If you have a moving map device, you should be able to clearly see the boundaries on the screen, and you may even be able to program audible indicators when you get too close. It is your responsibility to have the latest TFR information loaded onto your navigation device.
However, not all of you have such devices and will have to rely on visual indicators. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the navigational landmarks
The interactive map below will allow you to zoom in very close to identify key indicators such as quarries (Fairfield Quarry), roads (such as Bullfrog Road), road intersections (such as RT 15 - Bullfrog - Emmitsburg Road near at the Keystone Fireworks), reservoirs (such as the Waynesboro Dam just N of the TFR).
Interactive Area Map Showing P-40
SFRA Training Requirement
The FAA requires any pilot operating VFR in the vicinity of the Washington DC Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) and Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) take Special Awareness Training to become familiar with the need for restricted operations. This is specified in CFR Title 14 Part 91.161 Special awareness training required for pilots flying under visual flight rules within a 60-nautical mile radius of the Washington, DC VOR/DME. W73 and much of the contest flying area falls within the 60nm radius from the Washington DC VOR/DME. The 60nm radius is shown on the Washington sectional chart. The Special Awareness Training consists of information to educate pilots about the procedures for flying in the Washington, DC area and, more generally, in other types of special use airspace. This free training is available on the FAA’s Web site. Upon completion of the training, each person will need to print out a copy of the certificate of training completion.
The latest version of the FAA Special Awareness Training course is, ALC-405 and can be found here.
If you do not have a FAASTeam account. You can establish an account here at the FAASTeam home page.